Monday, April 28, 2008

The Harlot Touched My Sock!

Maybe that headline needs a little explanation. OK, maybe alot.

I went to Northampton MA yesterday to meet Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, aka The Yarn Harlot - she was appearing at WEBS to sign copies of her new book, then spoke at the Calvin Theatre for a delightful hour.

While waiting in line for the Harlot to sign my copy of her book, I toiled away on my (5th try at a) first sock.

Stephanie evidently has a soft spot in her heart for first sock knitters. After taking my picture, she gave me a great tip on how to make sure you can easily pick up stitches on the heel flap when starting the gusset. (If the previous sentence was complete gibberish to you... don't stress. It's a knitter thing).

Imagine my surprise when, upon visiting said Harlot's blog, I found my smiling face amidst the "First Sock Knitters" section.

Imagine my chagrin when, upon "clicking to embiggen" my picture, I realized that the combination of a big smile, fluorescent lighting and the woman's evil camera, my face resembled an inflated bladder on a stick.

She should really allow us to Photoshop those puppies before she posts them...


WonderMike said...

Congratulations, you've been Harlotted!!! And you look great. Did you finish that sock?

NeoYankee said...

Yes, I did. Thankfully - it only took 5 tries. I haven't worked at anything that hard since I vowed to get into the pants of a particularly toothsome co-worker back in the early 90's. But that's a story for another day :)

Moira said...

Holy're turning into Nana! I LOVE the photo, not to worry, you're a handsome bladder on a stick. You must email Meegs now that you're both knitting groupies!